When it comes to producing online marketing content, business owners tend to run into one of two problems. Either they don’t know what kind of article or video to create in the first place or they always create the same types of posts again and again.
Neither of these tendencies is helpful. You need plenty of content to attract visitors into your lead generation funnel, of course, but you shouldn’t be posting the same sorts of things over and over.
We want to help you break out and fill your website, blog, and social feed with the right types of updates. So in today’s post we are going to spell out five different types of marketing content you can use to help your business grow. If you’ve not tried some of them in the past, this is your perfect chance to start engaging potential customers in a brand-new way.
Let’s begin with a piece of content that is crucial to lead generation campaigns but tends to be overlooked.
1. Anchor Articles and Videos
You should have a handful of resources on your website that almost any potential customer would be drawn to. These are the foundation of pieces of content that help explain your business or lay out the kinds of things someone who is just entering your market needs to know. It’s crucial that you have them in place because many of the other items on our list will link back to these “anchors” so you can use them to create interest in your products or services.
2. Attention-Grabbing Blurbs
From time to time you should be posting content that simply draws in fresh views. These types of posts can be quick and focused. In fact, they might be as simple as a photo, a quick video clip, or an article with just a few paragraphs. The idea is to grab eyeballs that might have otherwise gotten away and see if you can turn that interest into more activity – for instance, a click back to one of your anchor articles or videos.
3. Engagement Reminders
Some pieces you post online just to remind potential customers of who you are, what you do, and how you can help. For example, a testimonial from a satisfied customer or a case study focused on a successful project might not draw in a lot of new visitors; however, it could remind the people who might have been thinking about contacting you that they really ought to do so.
4. Lead Generation Pieces
Like anchor pieces, these are documents and resources that answer bigger questions. The only difference is that your prospect has to share something (like an email address, for example) to gain access to them. So, they literally generate leads by introducing visitors to your sales funnel. For that reason, they tend to be your longest and most valuable pieces of content.
5. Decision Guides for Products and Services
This type of content is very specific. It’s geared toward helping customers make a decision between one solution and another. For example, it could be a product comparison, a breakdown of different service packages, or something similar. It could be an article or a video, but the point is to encourage a buying action. Or, if that’s not possible, then this type of content should have your prospect thinking about what they need and how much they’d be willing to pay to get it.
What’s Missing from Your Online Marketing Strategy?
There are tens of thousands of business owners and marketing executives out there who have most of a strategy in place. But because they are missing certain pieces—online videos, for example, or a good search engine optimization campaign—they struggle to get results.
If you’re looking to break out and make the next year your best ever, then we want to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation so we can show you how we have helped other businesses just like yours double and triple their revenue!
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