Most business owners and executives have heard many times about the power of video and marketing, particularly in the digital age. And, many of them have even attempted to release clips on YouTube, Facebook, and other social media channels. However, the majority don’t ever see much in the way of results.
How can it be true that video marketing is so effective while many businesses fail at it?
The simple answer is that the majority of marketers get video all wrong. They start from the right place—a desire to increase sales, promote branding awareness, or generate online leads—but take too many shortcuts or mimic what they’ve seen elsewhere. As a result, prospects aren’t that interested.
If you want to break out of that cycle, and produce videos that actually make an impact on your bottom line, here are four pieces of advice we have to offer…
1. Up Your Production Value
Probably the biggest reason most videos don’t generate leads or sales is that they simply aren’t that good. Grainy resolution, poor color correction, and underwhelming audio are all common mistakes we often see. And, they can each undercut your credibility or cause prospects to overlook your videos. If you want buyers to take notice, make sure your clips are clean and professional.
2. Post Videos More Consistently
Video production, in some ways, is similar to content marketing. It’s hard to hit a home run with one single article or clip, and your odds of making an impact on buyers improves when you are consistent with your efforts. Make it your goal to release something new every few weeks, and you’ll find the people you want attention from won’t just tune in more frequently, but will also become more familiar with your brand over time.
3. Turn Your Video Clips into a Series
Following the last suggestion, you shouldn’t always treat your video clips as one-off productions. If you have more information or advice on a certain topic, for instance, consider producing more clips along the same lines. Dig deeper into the subject and give your prospects more of what they want. You’ll have an easier time attracting views, and each subsequent release will help you build a stronger case for working with your business.
4. Make Sure Viewers Know What Comes Next
When we talk about video marketing results, which measurable outcomes are most important to your business? Find those metrics and then emphasize them in your videos. In other words, end every clip with a strong call to action that directs the viewer towards an appointment, a consultation, or some other next step they can follow that brings them closer to working with your company.
Ready to Learn More About Video Production in Bakersfield?
There isn’t any such thing as the perfect marketing video. That’s because making a measurable sales impact requires the right blend of style, personality, and customer needs awareness. In other words, what you need to grow your business wouldn’t work for your colleagues or competitors (or vice versa).
That’s why we start every video production project with a thorough consultation. Contact us today to schedule yours!
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