Even if you don’t follow the world of online marketing very closely, you have likely heard about SSL connectivity. The question that may have come to your mind is: “is that something I need on my website?” Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is a protocol for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data.
Strictly speaking, most small business websites that aren’t processing financial transactions don’t need SSL. But, you should probably spend a few dollars to add it to your web presence anyway. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why…
1. SSL Connections are Safer
When you have SSL connectivity added to your small business website any transfer of information (for instance, if a customer submits an email address to sign up for your newsletter) is encrypted. Hackers can’t grab it, or any other sensitive pieces of information.
In this day and age, it’s always a good idea to opt for the safer option. SSL connectivity is certainly that.
2. Google Likes SSL-Enabled Websites
Last year Google’s engineers announced that going forward, their algorithm would favor websites with a SSL certificate and connectivity over those without the added layer of security. For the world’s largest search engine it’s an easy call to make. The safer a search result is, the more useful it becomes to a searcher.
As a result of this, you can benefit from adding SSL to your website even if you don’t have an obvious need for encryption.
3. Your Customers Prefer SSL (Even if They Don’t Know it)
Websites with a SSL certificate tend to get more visits and increased engagement. This isn’t necessarily because customers understand secure connectivity and demand it, but rather that they are responding to other influences. For one, they flock to the websites Google puts at the top of its search listings. And for another, they notice that SSL websites are marked “secure” in their web browsers, while others may be tagged as “unsafe.”
Fair or not, these are things buyers notice. So, SSL connectivity can help you make a good first impression.
4. SSL Connectivity is Forward-Thinking
Even if you don’t have a use for SSL connectivity or a SSL certificate on your website now, that doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. For instance, you might start collecting emails, asking visitors to fill out lead generation forms, or processing online orders somewhere down the road. If that’s the case, why not make the leap now and stay ahead of the curve instead of falling behind?
It always pays to be forward-thinking on the web, and adding SSL connectivity to your website is a good way to do that.
5. SSL Functionality is a Low-Cost Upgrade
Despite all the reasons we’ve given to add more security to your website, we could understand business owners and executives putting it off if the costs were high. However, the good news is you can add a SSL certificate to your website for a very small monthly increase to your web hosting plan. In fact, if you’re using a dedicated business server (which we recommend) then it might already be included in the amount you pay.
Either way, it’s something that won’t cost you much and can improve your website for years to come.
Want Common Sense Answers to Your Online Marketing Questions?
If you feel like you don’t have the information or insights you need to use the web to grow your business, then it’s time to start working with a creative team that puts your goals first. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help you find realistic, cost-effective solutions to web design, SEO, social media marketing, online advertising, and so much more.
At The Marcom Group, we know from experience that clients are best served when they can call one phone number for anything–which is why we own all of our own hosting equipment and have on-site staff ready to handle everything from design and development, to management and marketing, to the ongoing security maintenance and hosting of your website.