Within web design companies, there are discussions that off-line sales and online marketing tactics are no longer effective. Or at least, that they are inefficient and unnecessary. However, millions of small business owners would disagree. Small businesses use tools like direct mail, telemarketing, and billboard ads to find new customers every day. In some cases, with less effort and expense compared to some online marketing campaigns.
Does that mean businesses should be divided into those who use the web to acquire customers and those who don’t? Absolutely not. There are numerous ways you could combine your approaches to save time and money and boost sales all around.
Let’s look at some ways you can use online tactics to further off-line sales and online marketing campaigns.
Your Website is Your Most Important Source of Credibility
Whenever it’s practical, you should promote your website on offline printed or posted marketing materials. It’s more convenient for your customer to find your website when they’re searching for products or services. Rather than hearing it through word of mouth from a source or driving by a specific location.
Unless you happen to be in a position where you can meet buyers, repeatedly, your website is likely to be your most important source of credibility. Make sure it points out your strengths, and that buyers know where to find your business. Make sure to use this tactic to back up your offline credibility to support your online credibility.
Email Autoresponders Can Back up Telemarketing Campaigns
While dreaded in many circles, the old-school “cold call” is still a fast, reliable, and inexpensive way to generate sales and marketing results. However, when you do get a new lead, you still have to have a follow-up plan in place.
Email autoresponders can be the perfect strategy for telemarketing efforts. With just a few keystrokes, you can send a message to your new prospect and ensure they get follow-up materials in a timely way. That means you can spend less time on each contact and turn more opportunities in the finish sales.
Social Media is Great for Spreading Word of Mouth
Many professionals rely on networking, referrals, and good old-fashioned word-of-mouth advertising to meet new customers and clients. All of these get much easier when you have a strong social media presence in place.
That’s because today’s buyers aren’t likely to contact you directly even if they’ve heard good things about you and your business. Instead, they’re going to search for you online. If what they see on LinkedIn, for example, makes you seem like the best in your business than they are more apt to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment.
Local Business Listings Can Enhance Mailer Responses
You can reach thousands upon thousands of local customers quickly using the power of postcard mailers. But, how many of those recipients are going to use a coupon or place an order without first reading reviews about your company?
By building up your online reputation—particularly through local online business listings on Google and Yelp—you can greatly increase the odds that prospects will give you a try. It doesn’t take much time to complete your profiles, and the good reviews you will gather will go a long way towards winning new customers over to your side.