Over the past few years, WordPress has become so popular that it’s now the default choice for most business owners – and their web designers – when it comes to building and establishing a new web presence. In most cases, it’s simply assumed you will want your next website to be constructed in WordPress.
New clients, and especially those who haven’t upgraded their websites in many years, often wonder why this is. What is it that makes WordPress so fantastic, especially when it comes to building web pages for small businesses?
The answer doesn’t necessarily have to do with a certain look or layout, but the fact that WordPress offers huge bottom-line value. It gives you the most bang for your buck. Here are just a few of the reasons why…
WordPress is Almost Infinitely Adaptable
Once upon time, WordPress was thought of as a good content management platform for creating blogs. It still is, but it’s also wonderful for establishing online stores, small business websites, nonprofit pages, and many other types of websites. Because it can handle many different types of layouts and functionalities, and deal with them all in a smooth way, it can be adapted to just about any type of business or purpose.
WordPress is Very Search Engine Friendly
It’s more important than ever to attract targeted search engine visits from Google, and WordPress is a very search-friendly platform. Once you put the right settings in place, WordPress pages are very easy for Google’s spiders to crawl through and understand. Additionally, you can create strong tie-ins for social media, pay-per-click advertising, and email marketing systems to boost the effectiveness of all your Internet marketing campaigns.
Plugins Make WordPress Even More Powerful
It used to be that adding new functionality to your website meant undergoing the expensive, time-consuming process of custom web programming. However, when you use WordPress you gain access to thousands of free or low-cost plug-ins you can use to integrate new features on to your pages. Whatever you want your website to do, there is likely a WordPress plug-in that can handle the job with ease.
WordPress is User Friendly
This is an often-overlooked advantage, but one that can really add a lot of value to your website. With WordPress, you or your employees can go in and update pages and content as needed. You don’t have to call your web design team every time you want to post an item to your blog, put something on the calendar, or update a piece of product information. That means your web presence never has to go out-of-date.
You don’t necessarily have to build your next business website on WordPress, but unless you have some very specific reasons for going in another direction, why wouldn’t you make the most of your budget by using this powerful and cost-effective tool? If you have questions about WordPress, or business websites in general, now might be a good time to schedule a free consultation with a member of our team.